
A website and user system starter

Live Demo on Heroku

Core features

A restful json API, data models and a few helpful utilities


The /signup endpoint makes sure the supplied username and email address are unique and creates new User and Account documents.


When supplied valid credentials, the /login endpoint creates a new Session. We've also included endpoints for resetting a forgotten password.

Email utility

The /contact endpoint demonstrates the built-in email utility. By composing Handlebars and Markdown, personalized emails with HTML and text parts share one template.

Users and roles

User documents store login credentials and roles. Aqua ships with two roles; Account and Admin.

Admin groups

Aqua also ships with an Admin grouping facility (AdminGroup). Think about these like departments; sales, support, manager, etc...


Permissions can be granted to an AdminGroup or individually for an Admin. Admin permissions will win over their group's permission.

The front-end pages

Home, about, sign-up and contact us

Authentication screens

Login, forgot password and reset password

The account area

Mock dashboard and account settings

The administration area

Manage users, accounts, admins, admin groups, and statuses

Most importantly

What you build with Aqua is more important than Aqua